'IN HAIR Magazine' 2012 where we are being featured! BIG HAIR BIG VOLUME with Silk Oil of Morocco NEW Volume Shampoo, Conditioner and Dust! All infused with Certified Organic Cold pressed Argan Oil... We love BIG HAIR!!!
Silk Oil of Morocco Silk World

“I feel honoured that salons trust me and my products, I am over whelmed with the emails direct from the end users and am on a mission to continue giving them new, safe and chemical free products that make them look and feel good. I often can’t sleep at night, my brain is constantly going all the time, trying to find and develop new products. I feel exhausted and sometimes feel like it’s all too much, but then….another salon comes on board and another customer calls me personally and I smile and my strength returns” Owner & Creator of Silk Oil of Morocco – Shirley Piscina